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Complaints should be lodged with the relevant province where the alleged violation occured, not with the Office of the CEO or other head office's units.


Eastern Cape

Address: 3-33 Phillip Frame Road, Phase 4 B, Waverley Park, Chiselhurst, East London, 5247
Tel: 043 722 7828/21/25 | Fax: 086 635 6898
Cel: 067 333 6623

Provincial Manager
Dr Eileen Carter

Contact: Nomawethu Mhlophe
E-mail: ECComplaints@sahrc.org.za

Northern Cape

50 Mark and Scott Road, Ancorley Building, Upington
Tel: 054 332 3993/4 | Fax: 0864162980
Cel: 063 221 4921

Provincial Manager
Mr Uzair Adams
Contact: Zukiswa Louw
E-mail: NCComplaints@sahrc.org.za

Gauteng Office

Sentinel House, Sunnyside Office Park, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace,
Parktown, Johannesburg

Tel: 011 877 3600
Cel: 082 059 6520

Provincial Manager
Ms Zamantungwa Mbeki
Contact: Sebongile Mutlwane
E-mail: GPComplaints@sahrc.org.za


29A Biccard Street, Polokwane
Tel: 015 291 3500 | Fax: 086 608 4097

Provincial Manager
Mr Victor Mavhidula
Contact: Mahlatse Ngobeni
E-mail: LPComplaints@sahrc.org.za 

North West

25 Heystek Street, Rustenburg
Tel: 014 592 0694 | Fax: 086 747 5111  
Cel: 063 728 8544

Provincial Manager

Ms Shirley Mlombo
Contact: Poppy Mochadibane
E-mail: NWComplaints@sahrc.org.za


First Floor, 136 Margaret Mncadi, Durban
Tel: 031 304 7323 | Fax: 086 439 3581
Cel: 071 446 2333

Provincial Manager
Ms Pavershree Padayachee
Contact: Kathleen Boyce
E-mail: KZNComplaints@sahrc.org.za

Free State

18 Kellner Street, Bloemfontein
Tel: 051 447 1130 | Fax: 086 620 8096

Provincial Manager (Acting)
Mr Thonko Modise

Contact: Alinah Khompeli
E-mail: FSComplaints@sahrc.org.za


20 Paul Kruger Street Nelspruit
Absa Square Building, Lower Ground Floor
Tel: 013 752 5890/5870 | Fax: 086 548 0929
Cel: 078 670 4360

Provincial Manager
Mr Eric Mokonyama
Contact: Mmakgabo Nkwe
E-mail: MPComplaints@sahrc.org.za

Western Cape

3rd Floor, One Thibault Building, 1 Long Street, Cape Town

Provincial Manager
Ms Zena Nair
Contact: Shafeeqah Salie
Tel: 021 426 2277
Cel: 072 362 6467
E-mail: WCComplaints@sahrc.org.za

Head Office

Sentinel House, Sunnyside Office Park, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2001

Telephone: (011) 877 3600 (Switchboard)

Chief Executive Officer

Mr Vusumuzi Mkhize
Contact: Ms Hilda Pule
Tel: 011 877 3622
e-mail: ceo@sahrc.org.za

Chief Operations Officer

Adv Chrystal Pillay
Contact: Ms Ntombentsha Lubelwana
Tel: 011 877 3613
e-mail: nlubelwana@sahrc.org.za

Chief Financial Officer

Dr Talifhani Khubana
Contact: Ms Witness Ndala
Tel: 011 877 3602
e-mail: wndala@sahrc.org.za

Head of Corporate Support Services

Ms Rachel Cham
Tel: 011 877 3600

Deputy Information Officer: PAIA

Tel: 011 877 3600
e-mail: info@sahrc.org.za

Head of Commissioners Programme (Acting)

Dr Kwanele Pakati
Contact: Dirk Swart
Tel: 011 877 3686
e-mail: dswart@sahrc.org.za

Communications Coordinator (Acting)

For Media Interviews
Mr Wisani Baloyi

Tel: 011 877 3734
e-mail: wbaloyi@sahrc.org.za

Strategic Support and Governance

Contact: Ms Nompumelelo Sobekwa
Tel: 011 877 3643
e-mail: nsobekwa@sahrc.org.za

Head of Research

Dr Martin Nsibirwa
Contact: Mokgadi Nyuswa
Tel: 011 877 3628
e-mail: mnyuswa@sahrc.org.za

Legal Services (Acting)

Shirley Mlombo
Tel: 011 877 3621
Contact: Busisiwe Dlamini
e-mail: bdlamini@sahrc.org.za or bmabusela@sahrc.org.za

About us

Understanding PAIA

The Human Rights Commission is the national institution established to support constitutional democracy. It is committed to promote respect for, observance of and protection of human rights for everyone without fear or favour.

Sentinel House, Sunnyside Office Park, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa

011 877 3600 (Switchboard)